Trailer Vent Guards
By Scott
Little League is a large part of our family these days. Levi, my youngest plays at Westside Little League in Santa Rosa and has for several years. West side does a great job with the kids on the field. My daughters’ favorite part is the snack bar however. At the beginning of the 2014 season, as the snack bar was being stocked, it was broken into. Christine is the snack bar boss. When the last break in was through the top vents in the snack bar trailer, she decided we needed vent guards. Kids were ripping off the vents, lowering themselves into the trailer and opening the door for others. They would trash the place and take all the candy and food. Christine figured that if I could make some type of vent cover, which would keep the little buggers out. I designed the covers to fit over the standard trailer vents to allow them to open but still be secure enough to keep visitors out. These guards will be perfect for protecting fragile vents from branches as well. ¼” bolts go through the roof so waterproofing is necessary at install. The bolts back to a secure ring inside so that the guard is very solid. Stainless steel or powder coated steel models will last forever. For the snack bar, I used 3/16” stainless steel plate cut on the waterjet machine. The plates fit together with notches to create one solid frame that is then welded to a base. This design can be altered to fit any size or shape. Perhaps I could build a security guard for an air conditioning unit, for example. Please feel free to contact me for your custom set of guards or to come up with a design for your idea.